Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love is...

A friend once asked "Where is love?"
I paused and answered..."Love can sometimes be found in the eyes of someone who gave you the kindest of gaze or smile. During the most trying times of your life, when you thought all has gone awry..."


  1. Absolutely true! Love is boundless and free. How simlpy you stirred the unfathomable depths of my heart...Now when my thoughts go awry I remember you and jump back with ever youthful spirit! luv.

  2. In here, in this little nook that's not bounded by time, space nor status...You are always welcome to visit anytime, in here you can pour and open up your mind and heart...No constraints or whatsoever. Take my hand into yours dearest friend, let our mortal breath and soul mingle with the wind...
