Saturday, February 5, 2011

Once heard it said...

I heard that there are different kinds of love...The one that burns deep and die fast...

The kind that starts big and slowly wears away thou it seemed you never used it up,then one day it is finished...

Then there is the kind of love that you do not notice at first, it just adds a lttle bit to itself everyday, like an oyster makes a pearl...grain by grain, a jewel in the sand...

That's the kind of love that endures the test of time.


  1. So you've been thinking deeply these days! Yes even I used to think that too much of love fades away very soon but today I can't say so... or could be it varies from person to per their nature, I believe. I say so 'coz I can still feel the warmth of the one that burns deep and is still very much ablaze.

  2. I was watching a beautiful movie....heard it and I saw how those phrases meant. Life and fate sometimes plays multitude of tricks, one must be brave and patient enough to see it through and ultimately win in the end.
